
Here then is where I'm up to with Mr The main interface is finished with buttons and rollovers. Next up is putting it into some sort of HTML form and doing some intricate steam driven animation, like the animated arms, movie screen interface etc.

I've begun final artwork on `My Hampster' and have been building the soundtrack and animating some of the pieces. In fact I think I'll put some of the artwork below just to whet your appetite.

In this shot, the camera is the point of view of a little boy about to give his `Show and Tell'. This is his view of his feet (a stand in graphic used here) and then up to see everyone in class focused on a kid playing his `Gameboy' (which I've animated and inserted in already). The plot of the story being how he tells the class of his Hamster's amazing life and then leaves them hanging, thus learning the power of drama.

Well push my buttons. Steaming along folks. Posted by Hello

John Kerry - Flying High!
