Smother my lil' kitty in gravy...

Here's another pretty illustration in the ongoing series of mortgage industry press ad's I've been doing for `Little Green Frog'. I quite like this one.

I kinda like the energy in the sexatary as she's been dubbed (or Julia as she's known to her friends) and I like the mouth on `Costello's' face at the window. I also like kittens smothered in beef and onion gravy and I giggle and point as they roll about under the brown, oniony ooze.

Once again there was a short turnaround time (about 4 days for this one, a few full days & late nights to meet the deadline but then it's not like I do too much else otherwise - wot?!) Pfft, the protestant work ethic has long been banished from this household. I keep it under a bucket with a brick on top out side with the `Goofadders'.

Not fully house-trained


Heyyy Charlieeee! Lets all go to candy mountain!