My Bushfire bit.
Well I may be a bit cynical about Australia Day but I couldn't be any prouder to be an Australian than when something so terrible as the recent bushfires in Victoria bring out the best of what it is to be one. Bushfires are scary and confusing when you're in them and I've only been in a couple that were so very mild in comparison to what happened in Victoria last Saturday. Not just a few houses, whole towns were wiped out. I've been up around that area years ago and I remember it being so beautiful.
These aren't city people that were affected by the fire, they're good, down to earth Aussies with their heads screwed on properly (and grow the best mull, cook the best food and put on awesome parties), who were caught up and so many died. Yeah I know, I'm a bit biased against City people. Love em but they're so very different to people from the country. I've had a good cry now and then watching the news, reading the paper, especially for some of the kids and reading how some folk died but what's awesome is the attitude of these people. The dry humour and the appreciation that no matter what and who they've lost, they're glad to still be around and determined to rebuild their lives. They also know that the Australian family is real and we take care of our own and after this last week they've seen it in action.
The Red Cross appeal is staggering. The last time I looked it was up around 80 million dollars mark which is just amazing. So here's my challenge to you if you're reading this. Match my donation of Two hundred dollars and make a difference and help your fellow Australians rebuild their lives. It might be you one day. Click here to go to the Australian Red Cross site.
These aren't city people that were affected by the fire, they're good, down to earth Aussies with their heads screwed on properly (and grow the best mull, cook the best food and put on awesome parties), who were caught up and so many died. Yeah I know, I'm a bit biased against City people. Love em but they're so very different to people from the country. I've had a good cry now and then watching the news, reading the paper, especially for some of the kids and reading how some folk died but what's awesome is the attitude of these people. The dry humour and the appreciation that no matter what and who they've lost, they're glad to still be around and determined to rebuild their lives. They also know that the Australian family is real and we take care of our own and after this last week they've seen it in action.
The Red Cross appeal is staggering. The last time I looked it was up around 80 million dollars mark which is just amazing. So here's my challenge to you if you're reading this. Match my donation of Two hundred dollars and make a difference and help your fellow Australians rebuild their lives. It might be you one day. Click here to go to the Australian Red Cross site.