Happy Mothers Day!
Apparently it's mothers day very soon so in the interests of all those who have `complicated' relations with their mother, here's an updated version of a picture I did a few years ago from my alien species, `Critterz' series, and some of the original sketches on paper I used to work from.
My Drawing process
I draw out a very, very rough lot of shapes first off to see how the image is positioned. Sometimes this helps to clarify an idea I have. Working digitally now means I can sketch in elements and apply them where I want later.
I'm still getting used to drawing conceptually on the Wacom tablet. Really it's much easier to draw (conceptually) on a one but there's a sort of mental hurdle to get over as much as I try to deny it. I'm just used to paper. It's ridiculous I know, but there really is a mental divide I've noticed between those of us who are relatively late to computers verses younger people who have grown up with them.
I really wish I could `cntrl - Z' my mistakes on paper rather than using the eraser, now that would be cool.
Final version...
After mulling it over I decided the original colour scheme was a bit too intense for an image about nurturing and motherhood. My ideas on what was `alien' got in the way of seeing the image for what it really was - and so, softer colours that I still hope, portray a sense of the alien as well.