Outback 2009

“--Arrived Broken Hill - - stop - - Exiting 2nd week travelling w/ parents - - stop - - Send Drugs! - -stop”

SMS to Stevie Gumpin,
24th of June. 2009

Back in 2009, my parents, Danny and Atholene, after many years of badgering, convinced me to go with them for a three-week tour of Outback Australia.

At the time, Dad had just been diagnosed with Dementia, so we weren’t sure how long we’d have with him (twelve years, it turned out).

I was glad I went, not least for the time spent with my folks, but the landscape, my god - if you can - GO!

Every cliche about the Outback is true. An artist could live for a lifetime on images inspired by and of the big brown bit in the middle of Australia.


Enhanced 2012


Canada & Alaska 08